Our children will be caring and creative.
They will develop a sense of identity, of community, of culture
and of adventure, as they learn how to learn.

Ka poipoi mātou i te pūmanawa o a tātou tamariki kia tū rangatira ai rātou.

Matatā Public School

State Funded Full Primary School situated within the coastal township of Matatā, approximately 25 km west of Whakatane.


Four Classrooms including a Learning Support Zone & Rumaki Class.

Literacy and Numeracy

The fundamental skills of Literacy and Numeracy are an integral focus at Matata Public School and this is reflected in our Strategic Aims and Annual Targets. Students with Specific Learning Needs are supported where appropriate by programmes such as Hei Awhiawhi Tamariki kei te Panui Pukapuka (HPP), Pause Prompt Praise (PPP), Supporting At Risk Readers (SARR) and are implemented by a skilled SENCO/Teacher Aide. Applications for support from Resource Teachers of Literacy for specific groups of Students are made and the service is utilised.


Matatā Public School has been involved in a Blended e-Learning Professional Development Initiative with CORE Education, involvement in this has resulted in major changes occurring for our Year 3 – 8 students. Our participation in this has meant that we are strategically working towards supporting teaching and learning at Matatā Public School through the use of technology. Matatā Public School has had Ultra Fast Broadband installed and operating, it has an effective functioning Wireless Network System with an e-Learning Action Plan to ensure that we continue to keep up with developments with regard to e-Learning, and e-Learning tools to support our students’ ‘adventures in learning.’


Matatā Public School provides a quality Māori immersion Rumaki Class for those students for whom Te Reo and  is an important language. Our aim is to provide a quality education based on Kaupapa Mäori and Te Reo Mäori me ona Tikanga. Prior competency in Maori language is preferred.


The Teaching Staff at Matatā Public School varies in experience from 4 years to 20 years. They work collaboratively, are caring, respectful, responsible and reflective teachers who are extremely committed to supporting the students learning.


Where possible Matatā Public School aims to provide students with a range of learning opportunities inside and outside of school hours. These include Kotahi Based Learning, Kapa Haka, Hip Hop, Surf Safety Programme, Skiing and Snowboarding, Environmental Programmes, Gardening Club, School Camps and Field Trips.


The School roll fluctuates between approximately 80 and 100 students with a current roll of 84. The majority of our students identify themselves as either Maori at 67% of our current roll, or as New Zealand European/Pakeha at 33%. Our school values the cultural diversity of our school community which allows our students to become more aware of other cultures thus encouraging tolerance, understanding and respect of other cultures. Students at Matatā Public School have diverse learning needs and these are positively acknowledged and supported by Teachers, Support Staff and the Students.


Matatā Public School is a part of the Rangitaiki Cluster of Schools and as such is actively involved in Inter School Sport events such as Swimming, Hockey, Rugby and Netball etc. The emphasis for these sporting events is on fun and participation however there are opportunities for students who excel in sports e.g. Swimming or Cross Country to participate, compete and represent our School, the Rangitaiki Cluster and the Eastern Bay of Plenty at a regional level. Students also have the chance to participate competitively in sports teams coached by Parents or members of our community such as Netball and Touch Rugby.


Solar heated Swimming Pool and Changing Sheds. Learning to swim is valued at Matatā Public School influenced by the fact that we are in close proximity to the sea, lakes and river – timetabling for swimming in Term 1 and the latter half of Term 4 are reflective of the importance placed upon developing these skills.

Students strive to be...

Students who are responsible global citizens: They are open-minded and honest. They understand, respect and appreciate their own culture and history. They are open to the diverse cultures within their own and other communities.

Students are also digital citizens: they are connected, and can access and participate responsibly with the digital communities available to them.

Students who are confident; they are able to communicate their ideas and opinions to a variety of audiences and in different situations.

They have strong self-belief to collaborate with others and work independently.

Students who are creative problem solvers, they ask questions, assess problems, are open-minded, take risks, find solutions and are reflective throughout their learning.

Students who are respectful of themselves; the environment (local, regional, national and global), and the people who live in it.